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air group 空軍大隊。

The green food “ hickory nut series “ won “ silver medal prize “ in national forestry new and fmous products fair in 1994 and “ technology progress prize “ of national industry enterprises in 1995 . “ donglin food “ has been designed as air food by china eastern air group corp . and welcomed by other air companies 本公司所生產的山核桃系列綠色食品在1994年全國林業名特優新產品博覽會上榮獲銀獎, 1995年獲全國工業企業技術進步獎。東林山核桃系列產品,現已被中國東方航空集團指定為航空食品,并受全國各大航空公司所睛睞。

The hotel is managed by jilin tourism gruop . following hn air group enterprise ' s aim of “ utmost sincerity , utmost goodwill , utmost perfection and utmost pretty “ , the hotel provides a high quality , warm , careful and efficient service for all the guests 吉林皇家花園海航酒店現由吉林省旅游集團委托管理,秉承海航集團“至誠、至善、至精、至美”的追求理念,為賓客提供優質、溫馨、細致、高效的服務!

The air group led by general chennault swept away all obstacles in the battles and was praised as “ flying - tiger group “ 陳納德將軍指揮機隊英雄殲敵,所向披靡,被人們譽為“飛虎隊” 。

air gun

The green food “ hickory nut series “ won “ silver medal prize “ in national forestry new and fmous products fair in 1994 and “ technology progress prize “ of national industry enterprises in 1995 . “ donglin food “ has been designed as air food by china eastern air group corp . and welcomed by other air companies 本公司所生產的山核桃系列綠色食品在1994年全國林業名特優新產品博覽會上榮獲銀獎, 1995年獲全國工業企業技術進步獎。東林山核桃系列產品,現已被中國東方航空集團指定為航空食品,并受全國各大航空公司所睛睞。

The hotel is managed by jilin tourism gruop . following hn air group enterprise ' s aim of “ utmost sincerity , utmost goodwill , utmost perfection and utmost pretty “ , the hotel provides a high quality , warm , careful and efficient service for all the guests 吉林皇家花園海航酒店現由吉林省旅游集團委托管理,秉承海航集團“至誠、至善、至精、至美”的追求理念,為賓客提供優質、溫馨、細致、高效的服務!

On 7 may 1942 lexington s air group sank the japanese light carrier shoho . 8th , lexington was hit by 2 torpedos and 3 bombs , finaly rolled over on her side and sank . lexington recevied 2 bettle stars for her world war ii service 第2天,她承受了2條魚雷3顆炸彈的攻擊,最終翻沉。列克星敦號在第二次世界大戰的服役期間,一共得到兩顆戰星獎章。

Lastly , this thesis provides suggestions for reference purposes about market development and product design considering the reality of china air group and the market of chinese air transportation 第三層面結合目前中國航空市場及中國航空集團公司的實際情況,對市場發展以及產品設計策略等方面提出合理化建議,以供參考和借鑒。

When turned on , both players will receive incomplete or faulty messages and reports concerning enemy ship , troop , and air group damage , as well as limited data on enemy bases 開啟這個選項,游戲雙方都會得到關于對方艦只、部隊以及空中力量的不完整的甚至是錯誤的情報,而且對方基地的情報也是有限的。

Facing the japanese fighter ' s wanton bombing , claire lee chennault ( middle ) , an american ex - serviceman , resolutely organized the 14th air group in china to destroy the japanese fighters 抗戰中,面對日機對中國人民的狂轟濫炸,美國退役軍人陳納德(中)毅然在華組織第十四航空隊殲擊日機。

In nineteen seventeen , blacks who requested acceptance into pilot training programs were told that colored air groups were not being formed at the time 在1917年,那些要求參加飛行課程計劃的黑人被告知,有色飛行隊伍在那時候是沒有這形式(或者說先例吧)的

In nineteen seventeen , blacks who requested acceptance into pilot training programs were told that colored air groups were not being formed at the time 1917年,要求接受參與飛行員培訓項目的黑人被告知那個時候有色種族的飛行隊還不能建立。

29th nov . , mr . niels , ceo of the euro air group , said we will show the latest socks technology and patent products in cr2007 11月29日,我司丹麥總部集團ceo尼爾斯先生在上海表示將在2007年中國制冷展上,展出最新的布袋技術和我們的專利產品

The air group led by general chennault swept away all obstacles in the battles and was praised as “ flying - tiger group “ 陳納德將軍指揮機隊英雄殲敵,所向披靡,被人們譽為“飛虎隊” 。